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Monday, August 8, 2011

Time Flies!

My gosh the time is just flying by. I cannot believe its August  and already into our second week. I have not been blogging lately as I have been sooooooooooooooo busy working outside the home. It doesn't seem like the economy is on a down-hill mentality, cause where I am working they are so busy. Big company, big place, big sales that's all I can tell ya!

I am now selling on Ruby Lane as well as Ruby Plaza now besides my many other ecrater websites. Yes you ask??? How does she do it??? Not sure myself but it gets done one website at a time :0). I also am one of the mods over at The Vintage Village Vintage Fashions Group so come and check it out!

I have another favorite place I hang out at called Treasure Seekers Unite If you decide to join please tell them that Out Of The Attic 2u sent you. Its another place to learn, share and have fun. I do belong to many other groups like this but these are my favorites and if I am not at one I am at the other. I do want to mention one other place that I belong to only because most of my websites are ecrater and that is the name of this group Ecrater Stores Network I guess I am in a linky giveaway mood, something I usually don't do.

I have not done a blessed thing this summer, all work and no play! I did play hooky from work only to stay home and work on my listings, yes boring but it had to get done. The fall will be coming soon and before you know the log and awful cold PA winter will be upon us. I am not looking forward to that.
Here a few of my pics that I have listed just to show you I have been at work :0)

These three items happen to be listed at my Ruby Plaza store, come and visit me there!