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Sunday, October 23, 2011

October Is Almost Over!

Gosh where did it go? I can't believe that it’s almost the end of October, it has come and it’s almost gone. The trees did not have much of a spectacular color this year it seems they faded out so fast. Probably due to all the rain we had this summer and the beginning of fall. It’s been quite hectic for me as I am working full time at a very busy place and by the time I come home I am too tired to list my beautiful vintage items.

I did open two more websites, one on Ruby Plaza and the other Ruby Lane which are both different in products but the same name! One is all about vintage and almost vintage woman's clothing and the other is vintage glass, china and more! I am trying to get ready for the upcoming Holidays but I know they will be gone before I know it and I will be months behind in catching up. Is that what life is all about, catching up? Nah it’s me lagging behind :0). All kidding aside I am anxious to list, blog, chat and have some free time to do what I love best and that is going to live auctions, estate sales and flea markets.

Then I love to do research on what I bought and of course list and present to you what great finds I found for your collections. I did need to write a few words on my blog as I have been lagging behind on this also, so now it’s time for me to list what I have for you! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family and may you receive all the wonderful and joyful blessings God has for you!

Canonsburg Egg Plate

LE Smith Candy Dish

Monday, August 8, 2011

Time Flies!

My gosh the time is just flying by. I cannot believe its August  and already into our second week. I have not been blogging lately as I have been sooooooooooooooo busy working outside the home. It doesn't seem like the economy is on a down-hill mentality, cause where I am working they are so busy. Big company, big place, big sales that's all I can tell ya!

I am now selling on Ruby Lane as well as Ruby Plaza now besides my many other ecrater websites. Yes you ask??? How does she do it??? Not sure myself but it gets done one website at a time :0). I also am one of the mods over at The Vintage Village Vintage Fashions Group so come and check it out!

I have another favorite place I hang out at called Treasure Seekers Unite If you decide to join please tell them that Out Of The Attic 2u sent you. Its another place to learn, share and have fun. I do belong to many other groups like this but these are my favorites and if I am not at one I am at the other. I do want to mention one other place that I belong to only because most of my websites are ecrater and that is the name of this group Ecrater Stores Network I guess I am in a linky giveaway mood, something I usually don't do.

I have not done a blessed thing this summer, all work and no play! I did play hooky from work only to stay home and work on my listings, yes boring but it had to get done. The fall will be coming soon and before you know the log and awful cold PA winter will be upon us. I am not looking forward to that.
Here a few of my pics that I have listed just to show you I have been at work :0)

These three items happen to be listed at my Ruby Plaza store, come and visit me there!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day

I want to thank all the men and woman who have served us with their lives and for standing up and being counted for serving our United States of America.

 You all deserve more than a day. You have blessed us with your dedication, your lives and your families for the services you have performed for this country. I pray that God continues to shine His face down upon you all and to give you peace and comfort in the dark nights and lonely days. He is your comforter and your peace, look to Him for His watch care over you.

I also pray that the men and woman who dies for and keeps us free that their names never be forgotten, they are heroes everyone of them.
Thank you to all the Soldiers who have served this country from the beginning of time to this present day. Thank you for your dedication, your lives and all that you have done , are doing and will do for our freedom.

God Bless You and America.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I am wishing all you beautiful moms and soon to be moms a very blessed Mother's Day. Believe me you have earned it! You have carried the load year after year and occasionally complain :0) but are still there doing it! I want to congratulate you in your workmanship in keeping the house in order.

Today let the others rule the roost while you take the day just for you. Let the family serve you while you relax and look on. Of course they can't do the job you do, but they will do the best they can and let them just do what they can.

Remember this day only comes once a year so relish in it and enjoy it while you can.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Sister & Me!

Bella (my sis) and Cookie ( that's me)
My sister went to be with the Lord on Feb 10, 2011. She went in for a gall bladder operation and wound up with 3 blood clots in her brain, she had a massive stroke. We were told that she won't make it if she were to have another stroke that she would be living in a vegetate state. She became paralyzed on her right side, couldn't talk, speak, eat or see. She had gone through so much in her short life-time. She had a breast removed, a brain tumor the size of an orange removed a defibrillator put in and many more health issues which came from chemo and radiation treatments.

We were sisters, friends and at times unlovable to one another, but she is my sister and I love her! I will miss our good times and our bad times as we were very close in growing up. My mom used to dress us as twins as we were less than a year apart. We use to play together and fought together and slept together cause we were afraid to sleep by ourselves when we finally got our own bedrooms. Of course my sister instigated a lot of trouble for me and I would get spanked and she would laugh, yep that's how it was folks, but she's my sister and I love her!

There are so many things I can say about our growing up, our marriages, our kids and grand kids but it would take an eternity and I don't have that much time. We both became born again Christians about the same time and we had our ups and downs in seeking the Lord, but He is faithful and now she is with Him, He is giving her unspeakable joy and she is seeing Him in all His glory. I will be with her and my mom when its my time to go, for He is my refuge, my comforter, and my Lord!

My Aunt, Mom Sister Me and Cousin
Lil Sister and Big Sister

Bella and Cookie

We were a little younger

Bella and Me

Bella and Cookie

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy & Blessed New Years

Just wanting to wish you all a very happy and blessed New Year. This was an eventual past year for me as I added many more websites and closed a few. I found it is best for me to have a pottery website, a glass website, a kid’s website and so on. I am very satisfied with my decision.

I also am working as a temp for the Amazon Fulfillment center in PA and find it very rewarding, yes I lost weight, gained muscle and made new friends. It’s great knowing how they get things done and it makes me a happy camper.

I've been to Florida to see my family, had a blast in the warm sunshine state and can't wait to go back. I lived there for over 34 years, moved to PA and now I am wishing to go back home. I miss the family, the sun, the warm weather as I am tired of shoveling snow and looking at gray skies daily. Yes PA is a beautiful state but I find it’s not for me.

We have been trying to sell our home for the past two years but nada, no one is moving here, can't blame them :). The timing is off for sellers, but great for buyers. We will not undersell our home; we will just stay here and possibly freeze to death (just kidding folks). I must admit the summers and spring times are the best, beautiful flowers in bloom, trees awakening from their sleep, deer getting back their beautiful coats, baby fawns with their polka dots (lil Bambi's) so cute and adorable, yes the baby black bears are cute too!

I am looking forward as to see what the Lord will do for me and my husband this year. We go to a great church and really learn the Word. This church I will definitely miss if and when we move. I am not going to make New Year’s resolutions since I never keep them anyway, but will take one day at a time, well maybe a few days at a time since I haven't really made any plans yet.

I do pray for all my friends, business acquaintances and my followers and buyers that your year will be a healthy and prosperous one.
